Humpty dumpty sat on the wall


Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
And all the kings’ horses and all the kings’ men couldn’t put Humpty together again.

And such is my plight, having departed, it was Humpty and my destiny
Though Kings Horses and men did not come to my aid, like him my end was to be

Foolish it was to sit on the wall and more foolish to fall as he did
In my case illness and age prevailed, despite all efforts to cure and to rid

I can’t complain at my going, nor do I now know whether I would have wanted to stay
And anyway, now having departed, it’s too late to ponder or to think what could be or what may.

If I am confusing you don’t worry, I am confusing myself right now
So, let’s get on with the usual at these types of events or whatever they permit or allow

Thank you all for being here, so nice to see all my family and friends as one
My dearest and nearest, saying goodbye, paying their final respects now that I’ve gone.

Some have been in my life for most of their own, and for others more recent or past
but the friendship and love we had for each other continued, and despite distance, did last

Let’s give thanks for the joys and happiness life brought to us many a day
My love and best wishes I send to you, a body, now extinguished here lay
